Call for Abstract

19th International Conference on Ophthalmology and Vision Science, will be organized around the theme “Pushing Forward in Ophthalmology: New Innovations and Research, Advancing the Advancement of Modern Ophthalmology”

Ophthalmology congress 2024 is comprised of keynote and speakers sessions on latest cutting edge research designed to offer comprehensive global discussions that address current issues in Ophthalmology congress 2024

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Our brain can rapidly process visual information, taking just one second to interpret what we see. The area responsible for quickly organizing these visual perceptions is known as the ventral-temporal cortex, also referred to as the visual brain. Surprisingly, research has shown that blind individuals also utilize the mapping within the visual brain. Despite lacking visual input, blind individuals' visual brain demonstrates unique responses to different categories. This indicates that blind individuals also rely on this brain region to discern between categories, despite never having visual experiences.

Eye diseases have the potential to lead to permanent blindness. Therefore, investigation into corneal diseases is conducted to prevent such outcomes. Methods such as contact lenses and vision correction are utilized to address vision-related issues, while surgical procedures like corneal transplantation are employed to replace damaged corneas. The cornea and lens of the eye work together to focus light onto the retina, the light-sensitive tissue located at the back of the eye. When light enters the cornea, it refracts or bends the incoming light towards the lens. The lens then further focuses this light onto the retina, initiating the translation of light into vision. Subsequently, the retina converts light into electrical impulses, which travel through the optic nerve to the brain for interpretation as images.

According to current data, medical professionals estimate that 1%-3% of individuals diagnosed with COVID-19 will develop conjunctivitis, commonly known as pinkeye. This occurs when the virus infects the conjunctiva, the tissue covering the white part of the eye and the inner surface of the eyelids. Symptoms include redness of the eyes. Conjunctivitis can serve as a symptom of COVID-19. Research indicates that the most prevalent eye issues associated with COVID-19 include light sensitivity, eye discomfort, and itchiness.

Digital screens emit minimal or negligible harmful radiation, such as x-rays or UV rays. The levels of radiation emitted from computer screens are below the threshold known to cause eye damage, such as cataracts. However, digital screens do expose your eyes to blue light.

In a recent small-scale randomized controlled trial, the Oculeve Intranasal Lacrimal Neurostimulator (Allergan) was found to increase the production of aqueous tears and the secretion of goblet cells. This handheld device functions by administering electrical stimulation to the anterior ethmoidal branch of the trigeminal nerve within the nasal cavities. This innovative approach presents a potential new avenue for managing dry eye disease, which currently relies heavily on artificial tears and anti-inflammatory medications.

Amblyopia, commonly referred to as "Lazy Eye," arises when one eye experiences poor development, resulting in weakened vision and sluggish movement. Corrective glasses or contact lenses may help rectify this condition, which can manifest in infants, children, and adults.
Dry eyes, on the other hand, occur due to a chronic lack of adequate lubrication and moisture on the eye's surface. This condition can lead to various consequences, ranging from persistent eye irritation to significant inflammation and potential scarring of the front surface of the eye. Symptoms of dry eye include burning sensation, itching, sensitivity to light, discomfort, and blurred vision.

In the field of ophthalmology, accurate diagnosis is paramount in determining the appropriate treatment for patients, and achieving this relies heavily on proper instrumentation techniques. The posterior segment of the eye, which includes the vitreous humor, retina, choroid, and optic nerve, requires precise instruments for examination. Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is predominantly utilized for retinal analysis. OCT is an imaging technique that provides two- and three-dimensional views of the eye with micrometer resolution. This technology is considered one of the most significant and emerging advancements in diagnosis due to its predictive capabilities, non-invasive nature, minimal patient discomfort, and efficiency in terms of time consumption. Various instruments are specially designed for detecting and addressing ocular issues.

A congenital cataract refers to the clouding of the eye's natural lens present at birth. Depending on the density and location of this opacity, congenital cataracts may necessitate removal through surgery during infancy to facilitate normal vision development and prevent conditions like amblyopia and potential blindness.
Various factors can lead to congenital cataracts in newborns, including genetic predisposition, infections, metabolic disorders, diabetes, trauma, inflammation, or reactions to medications.
Different types of congenital cataracts include anterior polar cataracts, posterior polar cataracts, nuclear cataracts, and cerulean cataracts.
Vision correction surgery, also known as refractive and laser eye surgery, is a surgical procedure aimed at addressing vision issues. Recent advancements in this field have led to significant improvements, allowing many patients to achieve better vision than ever before.
Most vision correction surgeries involve reshaping the cornea, the transparent front part of the eye, to enable proper focusing of light onto the retina at the back of the eye.
LASIK (laser in-situ keratomileusis) is effective for correcting nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism.
Photorefractive keratectomy is used to correct mild to moderate nearsightedness, farsightedness, or astigmatism.
Refractive lens exchange, also known as clear lens exchange (CLE), is similar to cataract surgery. During this procedure, the natural lens is removed and replaced with a plastic lens implant, correcting extreme farsightedness or nearsightedness.
PRELEX (presbyopia lens exchange) addresses presbyopia by replacing the lens with a multifocal lens.
Every glaucoma surgery procedure, whether utilizing laser technology or not, aims to achieve one of two primary outcomes: reducing the production of intraocular fluid (aqueous humor) or increasing its outflow/drainage. Typically, surgery is not the initial approach for treating glaucoma, but it can be crucial in preserving eyesight when other treatments prove ineffective. Surgical interventions may involve laser treatments or incisions in the eye to alleviate intraocular pressure.

In an era of rapid transformation, Eye and Vision Researchers are stepping out of laboratories and clinics to interact with the public, patients, and policymakers, advocating for the invaluable work they conduct and the positive impact it has on our societies. The objective is to provide Ophthalmology faculty and students with opportunities to present their research to academic audiences, contributing to their professional development. The ongoing mission of Ophthalmic Researchers and Scholars is to pioneer groundbreaking research on the development, structure, and function of the visual system, maintaining our status as a center of excellence. Through this initiative, research endeavors have translated into clinical trials aimed at preventing, treating, and curing ocular diseases.

Vision Science involves the scientific examination of vision. The visual system is intricately designed to convey information from the external environment to visual processing and cognitive centers in the brain. The process of perception involves the brain's ability to coordinate the constant influx and generation of electrical activity. The primary objective of visual neuroscience is to understand how neural activity leads to visual perception, as well as behaviors influenced by vision.

Vision science encompasses the scientific exploration of vision, encompassing various aspects such as how humans and other organisms process visual information, the mechanisms behind conscious visual perception in humans, utilizing visual perception for effective communication, and developing artificial systems capable of performing similar tasks. Optometry, as a healthcare profession, is characterized by its autonomy, education, and regulation through licensing or registration. Optometric physicians serve as primary healthcare providers for the eye and visual system, offering comprehensive eye and vision care. This includes services such as refraction and prescription of corrective lenses, detection and diagnosis of eye diseases, and management and rehabilitation of visual system conditions.

The health of our eyes plays a crucial role in overall well-being. We depend on our eyes to perceive and navigate the world around us. Conditions such as myopia and blindness can have profound impacts on individuals, families, and communities, leading to a diminished quality of life and increased mortality rates, as well as significant economic consequences. Primary eye care encompasses a broad spectrum of services aimed at preventing potentially sight-threatening eye diseases through primary health care (PHC). Even if you believe your vision is satisfactory or your eyes seem healthy, it is important to ensure they receive proper attention and care.

Despite advancements in techniques such as electroencephalogram imaging, the examination of the afferent visual sensory system remains fundamental in neuro-ophthalmologic assessments. A comprehensive refraction is integral to all clinical neuro-ophthalmologic examinations. Evaluation of conflicting visual fields should be incorporated into every assessment of the afferent system. Visual psychophysics, which explores the relationship between the physical properties of light and perceptual and behavioral responses, serves as the cornerstone for the clinical evaluation of visual function. Interpreting changes in a patient's optical field resolution over time presents a significant challenge in visual field assessment. Various attempts have been made to explore visual field function using evoked potentials in response to visual stimuli.

Clinical Ophthalmology involves the application of medical and surgical methods specific to eye care, addressing conditions such as retinal disorders, ocular diseases, and employing laser procedures.

Clinical Ophthalmology encompasses the field of medicine and surgical techniques related to the eyes, focusing on treating conditions such as retinal disorders, ocular diseases, and utilizing laser procedures.

The development of your child's vision begins even before birth. From the moment your child enters the world, their eyes play a crucial role in their physical, mental, and emotional development by allowing them to gradually learn about their surroundings. However, it takes time for a baby's visual system to mature. In the first week of life, infants are not yet able to perceive much detail. Their initial view of the world is blurry and only in shades of gray.

Pediatric Ophthalmology, a specialized field within ophthalmology, focuses on addressing visual impairments and vision-related issues in children. Pediatric ophthalmologists are dedicated to enhancing the development of the visual system and addressing various conditions that hinder visual growth in children. They possess expertise in managing a wide range of visual disorders that affect pediatric patients.

The procedure relies on incorporating various elements such as psychophysics, eye development, electropalatography, neuroimmunomodulation, and additional computational modeling. This encompasses a wide range of aspects including visual investigation, spatial vision, perceptual organization, semantic processing and classification, face recognition, visual neglect, visual agnosia, perception for action, visual working memory, inhibition and cognitive control, reading, and social vision.

Ophthalmology is a medical field focused on the study and treatment of the eye and visual system. It encompasses the examination and management of both the internal visual system and external structures such as the eyeball, eyelids, eyelashes, and tear formation. Treatments range from basic external eye care to employing medical, surgical, and rehabilitative methods to address a variety of eye-related issues. Specialists including Ophthalmologists, Optometrists, and Vision Specialists work diligently on different aspects to combat blindness. To work towards a world free from blindness, it's crucial for clinicians and researchers to convene and discuss various aspects, integrating research findings into clinical practice. Additionally, conferences in Ophthalmology serve as platforms for researchers and clinicians to collaborate, exchange ideas, and seek innovative solutions to diagnostic challenges, ultimately aiming to contribute to a world without blindness.